
The last standing railway station in Singapore – Tanjong Pagar Station. Even though most of the tracks have been removed, the place still retains it’s old world charm.

Recently I have been going back to my gold mist when I need some extra color for my layout. I like how it shimmers in the light so I’m guarding my tiny bottle of gold mist very carefully.

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I like this pretty blue letter stickers with the gold lines.
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I went all out with the layering. Love the way the stickers work with the photographs.
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Have a great Monday.




So Fun


We were lucky to be gifted with two tickets for the National Day parade rehearsal and these were the lucky two that got to attend the event. I had a sheet of this Happy Birthday paper that was perfect for the photo since it was Singapore’s 50th Birthday party.

 photo SoFun_SB_3sep_zpsfjs7wfdj.jpgThe hearts just kept getting into the page and I’m loving it. I managed to locate the SG50 sticker that was given out to me some time ago and it worked great with this layout.
 photo SoFun2_SB_3sep_zpsqtdgx4bz.jpg
 photo SoFun3_SB_3sep_zpssbuu1156.jpgCan’t wait to play with more of my stash.



Getting back to messy work is never easy

I’ve been working on my monthly project life photos but the thought of stopping scrapbooking has been on the back of my mind. One half of me thinks it would be nice to clear out all my stash. Maybe start a new hobby that takes up less space yet the other half of me still can’t bear to stop. The creative process is what I enjoy the most. So after dragging my feet for the longest time, I printed out the photos, grabbed some supplies and dived in.

This is the layout that emerged. A little too clean and simple but good enough to start

 photo Icecream_SB_3Sep_zpszptpvhqo.jpg

Still love those enamel dots:

 photo Icecream2_SB_3Sep_zps5dfz9l8o.jpg

and lots of stickers:

 photo Icecream3_SB_3Sep_zpseuut6l5o.jpg

Dusting off my table and back to more fun stuff.



Decoupage Card Making Demo at Spotlight, Singapore

I thought I should share a demo that I held at Spotlight sometime ago for Ruby Rock-it. It was a hands on session making using the Decoupage range.

 photo Spotlight_Demo1_zpsh5rnztgp.jpg

It was a pleasure to work with many curious children and we all had a blast.

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Here are some of the cards that we made:

 photo Spotlight_Demo2_zpscvvhakwj.jpg

 photo Spotlight_Demo3_zpsjc6aitlk.jpg

I love how easy it was for the kids to make their own cards and the colors are so happy.



Paper Dollies Tutorial

Today I have a tutorial to share with you. Paper dollies are pretty but they are usually white or pink. That’s just so common so I thought it would be nice to make some to make whatever paper I’m using for my layout.

Here are the basic steps:

1. Trim your paper into a square.

2. Fold the square into a triangle.

3. Fold it again into a smaller triangle

4. If you are able to fold further, fold your triangle into a smaller triangle.

 photo Paper Dollie Tutorial B_zps76eb44hy.jpg5. Draw a curve at the top of the triangle.

6. Trim off the curve and you have a basic dollie.

7. Continue cutting tiny holes into your triangle if you more details on your dollie.

8. Open it up and admire your hardwork.

 photo Paper Dollie Tutorial A_zpsu5wtknmm.jpg


Here is a layout I made with my own handmade paper dollies:
 photo MakeWish_SB_Tutorial_zpswbp0mfun.jpg

Some closeups:
 photo MakeWish3_SB_Tutorial_zps3y213lq1.jpg
 photo MakeWish4_SB_Tutorial_zpst4egdhgh.jpg

Do have a try. Drop me a link to your work if you made some dollies too.



Hello There

I’ve been taking a break the last month and now I’m all ready to start sharing some of the layouts I’ve done for my DT assignments fro Ruby Rock-it, For this layout I’ve used the monochromatic color palette as my inspiration. Clean lines and minimal clutter on the layout.

 photo Hello_SB_27Jan15_zpskzcy9ffk.jpgUsing the white background as the base, the photos and pattern papers just draw the eye right into the middle of the layout.

Simple journaling done with a typewriter.

 photo Hello3_SB_27Jan15_zpsebystukz.jpg

I layered my title with black at the bottom which helped create a floating feeling.
 photo Hello2_SB_27Jan15_zpspyvjvmpj.jpg

Come back tomorrow as I will be sharing more projects.



Spring Blooms

I hope spring has arrived where you are right now because I just love it when the flowers start blooming and there is color everywhere you look. Its nice and sunny over here in Singapore and I needed some cool blue to tone things down.

 photo SpringRocks_SB_27Feb15_zpsvuigobb0.jpg
I misted my white background with blue and if you take a look closely, you can see the texture I added with gesso and a mask.

 photo SprintRocks4_SB_27Feb15_zpslhipehpd.jpg

 photo SprintRocks3_SB_27Feb15_zps9nlxa7cm.jpg

Have a great Wednesday,



Today | Ed Sketch

I’m back with more sketch inspirations from Ed’s Sketch for the month of March. Use a sun stamp or sticker with this sketch.

  photo EdSketch_Mar15_zpsm9rsfpdw.jpg

Here is my take on the challenge:

 photo Happy_SB_25Feb15_zpsysdyc9ke.jpg

I decided to bring out my bottles of mist for some workout and it was fun. I made my own background paper for this challenge and I’m loving it.

Here are some close ups of the layout:

 photo Happy2_SB_25Feb15_zpsp7xielrp.jpg

 photo Happy3_SB_25Feb15_zpsp1lzlccw.jpg

Do have a go with the sketch. Submit your entry over at Ed’s Sketch for a chance to win some lovely RAK.



Archery Discovery

I’m back with more sketch inspirations from Ed’s Sketch.. For this month of February let’s use a sentiment stamp with the following sketch.

 photo EdSketch_Feb15_zps5mofx086.jpg

Here is my take on the challenge:

 photo Archery_SB_13Feb15_zps7yo3yovs.jpgI’m totally into the gold phase and this paper with gold stars on a gorgeous blue background from MME is jaw droppingly beautiful.
 photo Archery2_SB_13Feb15_zpsiqe1enaw.jpg

 photo Archery4_SB_13Feb15_zps84grphdd.jpg
 photo Archery5_SB_13Feb15_zpsrtvxle3b.jpg 

Do have a go with the sketch. Submit your entry over at Ed’s Sketch for a chance to win some lovely RAK.

